About Our Services
Race Forward is committed to transformational, sustainable change for racial justice. We provide services to help organizations develop and advance racially equitable policies and practices.
Our services are developed and delivered by a multiracial and multigenerational team of experts with extensive knowledge and experience in various areas, including policy and program development, leadership development and strategic coaching, community organizing, and racial equity.
Racial Equity Training
This series is a collection of interactive sessions offered to various organizations, including community, government, NGOs, and corporations wishing to sharpen their leaders’ and staff’s skills, as well as their strategic framework to address structural racism and advance racial equity within their institution.

Narrative Training
We offer workshops and coaching to help teams and organizations harness narrative strategy. Our training also provides guidance on how to partner with others to make your narratives clearly understood and deeply held by your target audiences.

Honest Education Action and Leadership (H.E.A.L.) Together Training
This series helps students, parents, teachers, and community members learn how to foster the growth of resilient and equitable public schools. Topics covered include student organizing, integrating cultural inclusivity into curricula, and budgeting and policymaking for equity.

Training for Government Employees
Tailored for people working within government, this interactive training provides an introduction to advancing racial equity by normalizing it as a core value, operationalizing it through new policies and practices, and organizing for equity both internally and with other institutions.

Organizational Development/Capacity Building Services
Organizational change and development are critical to achieving racial justice. Through training, coaching, assessments, and other processes, we help organizations normalize, operationalize, organize, and visualize racial justice. We provide organizations with a common language for discussing race and equity; tools to operationalize racial equity into policies, practices, and culture; and strategies to organize together around a shared vision for racial justice.
To learn more about how we can help your organization, please complete our intake form.

Coaching/Technical Assistance
- Consultations: Organizations can play a major role in addressing racial inequities, but a one-size-fits-all strategy won’t work. Race Forward assists organizations with problem-solving, goal-setting, and strategic planning that meets them where they are in their racial justice journey.
- Strategic Coaching: With coaching, organizations can foster a positive culture and build their capacity to advance racial equity and racial justice. Race Forward coaches executive directors and key personnel for ongoing organizational, program, and campaign development.
- Educational Materials and Curriculum Design: Advancing racial equity involves reimagining learning. Race Forward has extensive experience developing unique and specialized educational materials (e.g., toolkits, flyers, fact sheets) and training sessions for organizations and issue campaigns.
To learn more about how we can help your organization through transformative coaching and technical assistance, please complete our intake form.

Speaker’s Bureau
Presentations and addresses can connect people and inspire change that advances racial justice. As such, the Race Forward team creates and delivers highly engaging, impactful presentations. Our team members have been featured as speakers, presenters, and keynoters at thousands of conferences and events.
To learn more about how the Speaker’s Bureau can help your organization, please complete our intake form.

Racial Equity Assessment
A Racial Equity Assessment is a useful tool for assessing the actual or anticipated effects—positive and negative—of decisions on different racial and ethnic groups within your organization and your constituency. The tool will also help assess your team’s readiness for adopting racially equitable practices.

Our Approach
Our services to organizations, government institutions, foundations, and corporations build capacity to develop and implement policies and programs that advance racial equity within institutions. We accomplish this by providing knowledge, skills, and tools to organizational leaders and staff.
This graphic below shows our framework for organizational change. Every element is crucial to achieving racial equity and can serve as an entry point for organizations to attain this equity based on an assessment of their strengths, challenges, and aspirations.
To learn more about how we can help you apply this model of organizational change, please complete our intake form.