We catalyze movements to advance the vision of a multiracial democracy.
Through systemic analysis and an innovative approach to complex race issues, Race Forward helps people take effective action toward racial equity.
Race Forward works across communities most affected by systemic racism to build collective power for racial equity and presents the biennial Facing Race conference, the country’s largest multiracial conference on racial justice.
We also house the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE), a network of local, regional, and state government jurisdictions across the country working to achieve racial equity in their policies and practices; and Colorlines, a multimedia political home for everyday activists seeking to deepen our understanding of the societal structures that govern our lives and to connect with others to build the movement power needed to actualize a just multiracial democracy.
We support communities and public institutions to achieve a just multiracial democratic society through governance that advances racial justice.
A just multiracial democratic society in which people of color thrive with purpose and power.

Our Values
Organizational values play a crucial role in social justice organizations as they clarify the organization’s core beliefs, help support the vision, and shape the culture. Race Forward has adopted the following organizational values:
We value the voices, experiences, cultures, intellect, talent, and multi-dimensionality of Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/x, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander peoples.

We value movements that build toward a society without racial hierarchy; a society in which everyone has the dignity, resources, power, and self-determination to fully thrive.

We value the process of focusing on those most affected by systemic racism to define and determine the institutions and policies that impact us all.

We value the freedom of all people from oppression.

We value bridge-building amongst a variety of people, organizations, sectors, and movements to multiply our efforts toward racial justice.

We value the adaptability of local communities that are developing transformative solutions for racial justice in the face of changing environments.

We value authentic personal, community, cultural, and artistic expression, even when it is difficult, uncomfortable, unpopular, or risky.

We value making space for laughter, beauty, and celebration in the work of social change.